Friday, 30 December 2011

Aria's wings

Hi everyone!

Today I finished writing the scene where Aria gets her wings and in the description, I mentioned how her wings looked like suspended droplets of water. I'm not sure if this picture does justice to the idea I have in mind, but I think it comes close.

Originally, I had intended Aria's wings to simply be black with tips of blue but I think this is way cooler and more befitting of an Archangel yeah? It is almost impossible to imagine how something so fluid could be concrete enough for flight... but then again, this is fiction and everything is possible.

So, that aside, I will try to finish up Chapter 13 by this weekend and have it sent for editing. There are just two more scenes to be written, so it should be up sometime next month.

In the meantime, have a very happy 2012!!

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