Wednesday 28 September 2011

Lore of the Angels

At the beginning of time, the first creation had been Darkness and then there was Light. Fire was created to sustain light in the dark and Water was made to put it out. Finally, Earth was made and with it, Metal embedded deep within its soils.

Out of these were born winged creatures; each bearing a feature of their birth elements –some called them angels, others were called nymphs but only one was called Man and he was born out of Earth.

However, only the strongest of these creations were named Cardinals; better known as Archangels and they divided up the lands amongst themselves, often fighting for more territory and more power. 

[extract taken from Chapter 1]

An image of the Water Cardinal as how I see her. Taken from:



    here is as metal angel for you

  2. The image is just perfect. Just add a golden sheen to it and I can imagine Sona. Thanks alot!

  3. Your welcome

    Keep up the good work on your story I have enjoyed it and I look forward to reading more.
